Debian Development

songclip r.m.u.s sep 23 2011


Audio Recorder
: gnome-sound-recorder 2.30.0 Details : recorded as a wav file.
MP3 Conversion
: ffmpeg Details : ffmpeg -i last.rmus.wav -ab 320k last.rmus.mp3 $file last.rmus.wav last.rmus.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 32 bit, mono 22050 Hz $file last.rmus.mp3 last.rmus.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, contains: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2, 160 kbps, 22.05 kHz, Monaural $

[php] september 23 2011

PHP Code

die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

Code Dissection
1. die() --- A PHP Function.
The die() function prints a message and exits the current script.
2. mysql_error() --- A PHP function.
The mysql_error() function returns the error description of the last MySQL operation.

[ php ] september 21 2011

PHP Code

$con = mysql_connect("localhost","db name","password");

Code Dissection
1. $con --- Variable. All variables in PHP start with a $symbol .
2. mysql_connect() --- A PHP function .
This function help to connect to the database and get access.

resource mysql_connect ([ string $server = ini_get("mysql.default_host") [, string $username = ini_get("mysql.default_user") [, string $password = ini_get("mysql.default_password") [, bool $new_link = false [, int $client_flags = 0 ]]]]] )
Opens or reuses a connection to a MySQL server.

source :

[ php ] 2011 september 19

PHP Code

if(post_password_required() || (!comments_open() && is_page() && $app->post->getCommentCount() < 1)) return;

Code Dissection
1. if --- Statement . Conditional Statement.
if statement - use this statement to execute some code only if a specified condition is true

2. post_password_required() --- WordPress API
post_password_required (line 558)
Whether post requires password and correct password has been provided.

return: false if a password is not required or the correct password cookie is present, true otherwise.
since: 2.7.0
bool post_password_required ([int|object  $post = null])
int|object $post: An optional post. Global $post used if not provided.

3. || --- Logical Operator. OR operator. PHP operator.
(x==5 || y==5) returns false

4. ! --- PHP/Logical/NOT operator .
!(x==y) returns true

5. comments_open --- WordPress API.
comments_open (line 772)
Whether the current post is open for comments.

return: True if the comments are open
since: 1.5.0
uses: $post
bool comments_open ([int $post_id = NULL])
int $post_id: An optional post ID to check instead of the current post.

wordpress on debian howto

1. apt-get install wordpress
2. apt-get install proftpd
3. apt-get install mysql-server-5.1

file 1
#cat /etc/wordpress/htaccess # For rewrite rules needed for making WordPress URL friendly # See Options -> Permalinks for details and please use the defaults, # especially in mind when hosting several blogs on one machine! ## ## Configuration for a single blog hosted on / (root of the website) ## RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] ## ## Configuration for a multi-site wordpress installation using subdomains ## # #RewriteEngine On #RewriteBase / #RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] ## uploaded files #RewriteRule ^files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$1 [L] ## real files dealt directly #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d #RewriteRule ^ - [L] ## other go through index.php #RewriteRule . index.php [L] #
file 2
#cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/ ServerName ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /var/www/ DirectoryIndex index.php AllowOverride All Order Deny,Allow Allow from all #
1. cd /vaw/www/ 2. ln -s /usr/share/wordpress 3. a2ensite 4. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 5 /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql -n beauty

1. open web browser...
2. web site address or name )
3. carry on with the instruction on browser.


A data set (or dataset)  is a collection of data, usually
presented  in  tabular  form.  Each column  represents  a
particular  variable.  Each row  corresponds  to a  given
member of the  data set in question. Its  values for each
of the variables, such as  height and weight of an object
or values  of random  numbers. Each value  is known  as a
datum. The  data set  may comprise data  for one  or more
members, corresponding to the number of rows.

source :

HTML CSS sep 7 2011

<style type="text/css">
border:1px solid blue;
<!-- float: right; -->
<div class="ex">
<div style="float:right;padding-top:50%;">
<a href=""> Home </a>
<a href=""> About Us </a>
<a href=""> Portfolio </a>
<a href=""> Gallery </a>
<a href=""> Blog </a>
<!-- <? echo SYmmel; ?> -->
1. CLASS. .ex = A user defined class.
2. CSS Property. width,padding ..etc are properties of CSS
3. HTML Element. div is a HTML element.

ASP.NET and Debian HOWTO

1. apt-get install apache2
2. apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2
3. apt-get install libapache2-mod-mono

1. /etc/apache2/sites-available/
2. a2ensite default
3. mkdir -p /srv/www/default/public_html
4. mkdir /srv/www/default/logs
5. put a sample .aspx file in "/srv/www/default/public_html"
6. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

1. Browser URL ---<your .aspx file>