
rectangle +

A closed planar quadrilateral with opposite sides of equal lengths and ,
and with four right angles. A square is a degenerate rectangle with a=b

The area of the rectangle is A=ab

and its polygon diagonals p and q are of length
<br /> p = q = \sqrt{(a{^2}+b{^2})}<br />
A rectangle has a circumcircle with circumradius
<br /> R = (1 \div 2)  \sqrt{(a{^2}+b{^2})}<br />
but incircle only in the degenerate case of a square.
Reference :

definition circle.

A circle is the set of points equidistant from a point C(h,k) called the
center. The fixed distance r from the center to any point on the circle is
called the radius.
The standard equation of a circle with center C(h,k) and radius r is as follows.
<br /> (x-h){^2} + (y-k){^2} = r{^2}<br />